
2010-11-17 7:16 am
不要用翻譯機翻的唷 感謝^^


回答 (5)

2010-11-17 9:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
A: I will follow company's policy. I won't steal company's assets and not even mention doing something to embarrass the company.

A: I will do what I am expected or I am supposed to do for my work. However, I don't have much experience yet, and still have more room to grow and I will try really hard to improve myself in the future.
A: I hope I can learn some more skills from other jobs in the future.

A: (為了和上句連接),Therefore, I can transfer or rotate to other job functions if possible.

2010-11-18 12:11:21 補充:
My understanding of regulation, and the way my co-workers use it, means 'law-related' requirements.
2010-11-18 5:33 pm
I am surely to follow the company’s regulation. I will absolutely not to steal the company’s resource and will not do those things that will damage the company. .

2010-11-18 09:33:49 補充:
I will try my best to finish my responsibility. However, my working experience is still short and has a lot of things to be learned. I will continuously try my best to enhance my capability in the future.

2010-11-18 09:34:05 補充:
Hopefully, I can learn various types of professional skills in the future.
I hope to transfer to different kind of position.
2010-11-18 4:22 am
I will comply to company rules & will never steal the company resources. Moreover, I will not attempt any action that will cause the company to suffer the loss.

I will try to do my best for the job. Since I am still green for my job, there are room for improvement. I will work hard to upgrade my ability in coming days.

I will acquire skills in various aspects for m work in future.

I hope to have opportunity for job rotation & work in other position.
2010-11-17 10:54 am
I will comply with the company policy. Under no circumstances will I use company resources for personal purposes and will not engage in any activities that will otherwise cause a negative impact on the company's image.

2. 在工作上我盡力做好本分,但工作資歷尚淺,仍有許多學習空間,未來也會努力提升自己
I will perform to the best of my ability in every aspect possible. I will actively seek new information and skill sets that will contribute to my overall experience.

3. 未來希望多方學習其他工作上的技能
In the future I wish to engage in opportunities involving other positions to further enhance my skill set.

4. 希望能轉換其它工作職位
I wish to transfer to other available positions in the future.

Assuming you are writing your resume or cover letter? This is the formal and more professional way of writing but not 口语话 at all.
參考: 加拿大長大
2010-11-17 8:33 am
這位大大 我已經修改過標題了 你幹麻一直針對我
我的內容是請人幫我翻譯工作評比的句子 請問跟我的標題哪裡不相符??
翻譯內容只有4句 又是哪裡有問題

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