
2010-11-14 11:01 pm
1. a fast food outlet claims that the mean waiting time in line is less then 4.5 minutes. a random sample of 60 custioners has a mean of 4.4 minutes with a standard deviation of 0.6 minutes. at the 5% significance level, test the fast food outlet's claim.

population: customers
variable: wait time in line
H0: M=4.5
H0(in word): the mean waiting time in line of customers is 4.5
test statistic (4.4-4.5)/(0.6/sqr60)=-1.291
p-calue: 0.01<p-value<0.05
initial conclusion: reject

>>make 98% confidence interval for the mean wait time.(係relate上一題)

回答 (2)

2010-11-14 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 正確
查表或用計數機得z_0.01=2.3263 因此98% C.I. 為

4.4-(2.3263)(0.6/√60) < μ < 4.4+(2.3263)(0.6/√60)
4.22 < μ < 4.58
2010-11-14 11:32 pm
Ho is rejected if test statistic < -1.645
So Ho is accepted.

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