英文解釋問題 ~~~~~急急急~~~~~

2010-11-14 3:50 am
These notices will be issued by admin staff at the latest possible date to comply with the US employment law (assuming the longest serving employee has worked for the business for 3 years and 2 months). Contract staff require only one week's notice of termination. All staff must be released immediately after the changover.

請問點解? latest possible date??
究竟是contract staff需要在公司移交一星期前通知, 還是要用一星期時間來通知他們?

After the changeover, the manager will spend 8 weeks disposing the US site. The sales expected to happen at the end of this period.
請問sales是8星期的最後一日, 還是8星期後第一日就成功將該物業售賣?

回答 (1)

2010-11-14 3:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
lastest possible date :最遲日期
即係話呢個notice 已經係final notice,
Contract staff require only one week's notice of termination.
All staff must be released immediately after the changover.

所有舊員工都無得留底. 賣左個business 之後就即炒。

After the changeover, the manager will spend 8 weeks disposing the US site.
移交完成之後, 經理會要8個禮拜黎關左美國office.
The sales expected to happen at the end of this period
o係呢段時間之內最後時段, 交易會完成. 唔知確實時間因為講明最多俾8個禮拜,即係話如果佢提早搞掂關左美國office, 就會提早完成交易.

2010-11-16 18:39:46 補充:
o甘你認為? 間公司出notice, 呢d 野通常只會俾個最後閒期.
will spend. 會用8 wks. 冇得異議. 經理可以用足8個禮拜, 但唔可以超過8 個禮拜. 如果係可以延長時間就會寫 8-10wks 之類o既o野.

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