
2010-11-14 1:37 am
想send email出一封公司通告(英文), 主要內容有兩件事, 分別如下:

(一)將以新形式處理同事的IDD電話帳單, 新做法是將各同事之IDD通話紀錄分
發於他們的pigeon hole內. 同事檢查及簽名後, 盡快交還給負責同事. 新方
式目的是讓同事們有足夠時間檢查自己的通話資料, 更可加快這項工作程
序的速度, 避免帳單延誤.

(二)鼓勵同事培養清理pigeon hole的習慣, 以防文件及信件積聚, 阻礙工作進
度, 培養良好習慣, 令工作更順暢!

希望能得到具有良好英文書寫能力的朋友幫幫手! 謝謝!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2010-11-23 10:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) To reorganize our billing methods to IDD usage , all IDD call records will be filed into their own pigeon hole. Upon verification of the statement, duly signed, all colleagues will have to return it to staff responsible. This new arrangment is to enable everyone sufficient time to check their calling details, so as to speed up working process and to avoid billing delay.2) We encourage updating and cleaning up each one's pigeon hole on a regular basis, this will avoid work delays due to accumulation of files and mails. Such good habit will definitely help daily work more pleasant and smooth.
2010-11-18 10:09 am
A new form) will deal with colleagues of IDD telephone bills, the new approach would be to colleagues of IDD call records Division
From their pigeon hole inside. Colleagues to check and sign, return to the responsible staff as soon as possible. New party
-To let colleagues have sufficient time to check your call data, but also speed up the work-
Sequence of speed, to avoid billing delays.(Ii) encourage colleagues to cultivate the habit of cleaning up pigeon hole case files and mail accumulation, work into
Degrees, cultivating good habits that make work more smoothly!

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