呢2句有冇錯grammar, 點樣可以表達得好d?

2010-11-13 6:23 pm

Finally, this ends up with getting anxiety disorder of her son.

However, filling with such many things in early stage, their kids cannot keep up at all.
(但是,o係咁早期就充實住咁多野,做咁多野,佢地既仔女keep up唔到)

回答 (2)

2010-11-13 6:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Finally, her son ends up with getting anxiety disorder.

However, if their children bear a lot of works at an earlier stage,
they cannot handle it well.

Hope that you find it useful.
2010-11-13 6:55 pm
Finally her son ends up with getting anxiety disorder.
我會先行瞭解:焦慮症 是 anxiety disorder 了。
However, filled with so many things in (such)early stage, their kids cannot keep up at all.
"so many" 可作 idiom 看,你有看過 such many 嗎?又如果要用 such,我會提議在括號的地方使用呢!當然如果不是為了加重語氣,不用為妙!

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