
2010-11-13 8:34 am
則師樓內的註冊結構工程師 (R.S.E), 他們有否乜乜公會or乜乜協會, 可給予他人投訴他們專業失當or失職? 例如醫生or律師, 都會有其所屬的公會可作他人投訴or檢舉. 若情況嚴重,更可吊銷其執業資格.
另外, 投訴則師樓.又如何做好?

回答 (2)

2010-11-13 11:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I wish to supplement Wilson's answer.

Authorised Persons (AP) and Registered Structural Engineers (RSE) are not registered under ERB although individually these professional persons might be registered under ERB in the capacity of Registered Professional Engineers. AP & RSE are recognised under the Buildings (Administration) Regulation and are registered under the Building Authority. You should make your complaint direct to the Building Authority through the Buildings Department. This relates to their licence to practice.

In addition to the above, if you are complaining against their professional negligence or breach of professional conduct, you can make a complaint to the respective professional body of which they are a member. Architects are mostly members of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects whereas engineers are mostly the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. Please note that some APs are primarily engineers or surveyors, not necessarily architects.
2010-11-13 10:49 pm
Engineers Registration Board

As a consequence the Engineers Registration Ordinance was enacted in 1990. Since then some 1700 engineers registered in 16 disciplines. The functions of the Engineers Registration Board under the Engineers Registration Ordinance are related to the process of Registration, Qualifications for Registration, Disciplinary Proceedings and Procedures of the Board. The functions of the Board as outlined in Section 7 of the ordinance, chapter 409 are as follows:

- establish and maintain a register of registered professional engineers;
- designate disciplines within the engineering professional under which a person may be registered as a registered professional engineer;
- set and review the qualification standards for registration as a registered professional engineer and related registration matters;
- advise the Government and the Institution on registration matters;
- examine and verify the qualifications of persons who apply for registration as registered professional engineers;
- receive, examine accept or reject applications for registration and renewal of registration as a registered professional engineer;
- deal with disciplinary offenses in accordance with this Ordinance;
- keep proper records of it's proceedings and accounts; and
- carry out such other functions as this ordinance may prescribe.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 12:36:38
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