
2010-11-13 8:07 am

A: Karen, do you remember that next week is Ivy’s wedding?Karen你記不記起下一個星期是Ivy的婚禮B: (我差一點也記不起了), but we haven’t prepared any formal day dress to join the wedding我差一點也記不起了,但我們还沒有準備禮服去參加婚禮A: let’s go to buy now. I want to make myself more pretty to join our best friend’s wedding不如我們現在就去買吧.我想打扮自己漂亮一點去參加我們最好朋友的婚禮B: okay. Let’s go to “amazing” department to go shopping(arrive department)好呀,不如我們去”奇幻”百貨公司去購買禮服吧A: wow. there are a lot of fashion styles in this shop. We need to spend many times to choose the best one. Karen, what kind of dress do you want to dress up?哇,這裏有很我新潮的款式在這間店,我們要花上很多時間去選擇最好的那件.karen,你打算穿那一种的禮服去參加呢? B: my favorite color is white. I would become a white lady. So I decided to buy a white dress. 我最喜歡的顏色是白色,我想成為一個粉紅佳人,所以我打算買一件white的禮服A: white dress? Karen, do you like this dress?(這是一件吊帶裙),there is a big pink rose on the dress.唔,,你喜不喜歡這白裙子?這是一件吊帶裙,在上面有一隻大粉紅玫瑰花在裙上.B: but it look a little bit plain, it is not special enough但這看起來好像有点簡單,不夠特別.A: what about this (裙子—禮服的一种) It is made from silk,( 在裙下有一些很美的蕾絲花边)it is very comfortable for looking, and there is a big bowknot in the (腰間), it make you look very cute when you wear this dress.那麼這裙子呢?它是用絲綢造的,在裙下有一些很美的蕾絲花边,在看上去很舒服,以及在腰間在一個很大的粉紅色蝴蝶結,會令你看下去很可愛B: I love this dress. if it can be blended with a pink girdle, that is a perfect match!我很喜愛這件裙子.若果再加上一件薄薄的粉紅色披肩,真是完美.A; I am glad to hear that you like this dress. I think you will be the most attractive girl in the wedding.我很高興你喜歡這件裙子.我想你會成為最吸引的那一個 請看看我的文法對不對!!中文與英文大概意思便可以最好用口語化一点的英文

回答 (1)

2010-11-20 6:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A: Karen, do you remember next week is Ivy’s wedding? B: I almost forgot about it, but we haven’t prepared any formal dresses for the wedding ceremony.

A: Why don't we go buy them now. I want to dress up prettier for my best friend's wedding.

B: Okay, let’s go shopping at “amazing” department to go shopping.(arrived at the department)

A: Wow. there are a lot of fashionable clothings in this store. We need to spend more times on choosing the best dress. Karen, what kind of dress are you looking for?B: My favorite color is white, I want to become a pink lady, so I deciding on buying a white dress.

A: Hmm... Do you like this white dress? This is a spaghetti strapped dress, and there's also a big pink rose on it.B: But it looks a little bit plain, it is not special enoughA: What about this kind? It is made from silk,and there is also a beautiful lace at the bottom. It looks very comfortable, and there is a big bowknot on the waist, it will look very cute on you.B: I love this dress. It would be perfect if I wear a thin pink shawl on top!

A: I am glad that you like this dress. I think you will be the most attractive girl in the wedding.

希望幫到你啦 ^^
參考: 自己﹐我在加拿大留學了幾年 :)

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