幫幫手睇下有咩地方要改, 謝謝

2010-11-13 7:17 am
This year of operations team gave me considerable polish and enhanced my presentation skills with internal and external customers. To maintain a good relationship with other teams in company.

It is my pleasure to share my computer knowledge with colleagues. The ability to post the document efficiently, using computerized methods, to ensure teammates send the documents timely and accurately.

回答 (2)

2010-11-13 5:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This year, my operations team has given me considerable enhancement in presentation skills. I'm better now in handling internal and external customers and maintaining good relationship with other teams in my company.
( I'm assuming the presentation skills help you in maintaning relationship with teams as well)

*note1 :
i) considerable (adjective) ==> modify a noun not a verb; polish and enhance areverbs not nouns. The word polish cannot be change to a noun (polishment??x) so I chose not to use it here.

ii) subject to verb agreement; subject = operations team; verb = give; I chose to use the present participle b'coz the time frame "this year" is still active and you're indeed better than before presently. Your original sentence sound like the operation team polish & enhance you with internal and external customers which I believed it's not what you meant to say. :)

2nd paragraph.
It is my pleasure to share computer knowledge with (my) colleagues. The ability to post documents efficiently, using computerized methods, ensures my teammates timely notification.

*note2 : no big problem here, but remember what I said in note1.
2010-11-13 3:10 pm
This year operations team gave me a considerable polish and enhanced my presentation skills with internal and external customers. I also learnt how to maintain a good relationship with other teams in company.

It is my pleasure to share my computer knowledge with colleagues. The abilities to post the document efficiently, to use computerized methods, and to ensure teammates send the documents timely and accurately.

2010-11-13 07:11:03 補充:
with other teams in A company (opps i missed it)
參考: i study in Canada

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