英文文法 幫我睇下有冇錯

2010-11-13 3:31 am
幫我睇下有冇錯到 如果有 比句岩ge我
What things can I promise? Nothing!
有咩野 我可以作出保證? 冇一樣野可以!

What can I ensure ? Nothing is ensured by me ! 咁依句又岩唔岩?

回答 (3)

2010-11-13 4:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
What can I promise? Nothing! - this is ok and people understand what you say. Guarantee is a better word thatn promise.

有咩野- what 我可以作出保證? 冇一樣野可以!
What can I guarantee? Nothing can be guaranteed by me = the underline part is required in writing but not necessary in speaking.

What can I ensure ? Nothing can be ensured by me !

What thing - is chinese english (WHAT) is the proper word.
Guarantee is stronger than promise (答應)
2010-11-13 4:11 am
Can I promise anything? Nothing!

2010-11-13 3:55 am
I can guarantee there Mieye? Nuisance wild as you can!

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