Present Perfect Tensest 急!!!!!

2010-11-13 1:10 am
Present Perfect Tensest!!!!!
Happy children : sing(本身) sang( 過去) sung(現在完成式)

Sam: 可不可以給我多點? 因為你給我的大部分是老師給我的... 但你的形式是對的. 請盡快回覆! 多謝!


Ling: 我的老師說不可重覆' Happy children'這些字... 你可以看看啊Sam他的模式... 請盡快回覆! 多謝!

回答 (3)

2010-11-13 1:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Thailand tour: Go Went Gone
So many homework: Do Did Done
Crazy shopping: Buy Bought Bought
Big restaurant: Eat ate eatten
Fresh juice: Drink drank drunk
Free gift: Take took taken

唔知系唔系你概意思。希望幫到你 : )
2010-11-13 4:27 am
Happy children : sing(本身) sang( 過去) sung(現在完成式)
Happy children : run ran run
Happy children do did done - homework
Happy children go went gone - school
Happy children eat ate eaten - breakfast
Happy children drink drank drunk - juice
Happy children come came come - home
Happy children say said said - Hello to friends
Happy childrenbuy bought bought - a cake
Happy children bring brought brought - happiness
Happy children sleep slept slept - at night
Happy children wear wore worn - jackets
Happy children play played played - hide and seek
Happy children turn turned turned - around
Happy children jumpjumped jumped - in the playground
Happy children pick picked picked - up the bags
Father drive drove driven - a car
Father cut cut cut - a cake
Father write wrote written - a letter

Most of the verbs are the same in past tense and perfect tense (past participle) by adding ed - see play, turn, jump and point.
2010-11-13 1:22 am
i don't know how to do but i can give you some comments =]

work worked worked
cook cooked cooked
go went gone
come came come
do did done
cut cut cut
bring brought brought
buy bought bought
think thought thought
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 16:21:12
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