tin(IV) chloride 是甚麼 structure

2010-11-12 9:31 pm
tin(IV) chloride 是甚麼 structure?
係咁佢可否 conducts electricity?

回答 (2)

2010-11-13 8:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
yes, tin(IV) chloride (or formerly referred as stannic chloride) is a covalent compound. because of this, it should NOT be able to conduct electricity, as it contains no mobile ions.

tin (Sn, #50) belongs to same group as carbon, silicon and lead do. the dichloride, if exists, of element is ionic; in contrast, the tetrachloride is covalent.

one possible explanation is that the (4+) ion has to high charge density, attracting electrons from the anions (chloride) strongly, such that electrons in anion are tightly-bounded to the cation ---- similar to covalent bonds.

anyway, tin(IV) chloride is a covalent compound, having tetrahedral shape. as an example of simple molecular structure, discrete molecules have relatively weak intermolecular attraction, thus it's liquid in room conditions.

one important point is that, "it's liquid" does NOT means that "it has mobile ions". as atoms are covalently-bonded, no ions (no matter mobile or not) are formed. thus it CANNOT conduct electricity.

after adding water, however, it may conduct electricity. tin(IV) chloride REACTS with water slowly (hydrolysis), forming insoluble tin(IV) oxide, SnO2, and hydrogen chloride HCl. the acid dissolves in water, ionizes and can conduct electricity.

but bear in mind that it isn't SnCl4 conducts electricity; it's the reaction products that conduct electricity.
2010-11-12 11:49 pm
tin(IV) chloride is chemical component (SnCl4)
it is a covalent compound and have simple molecular structure

It should be able to conduct electricity
But it will be decomposed to oxygen, hydrogen and tin(II) ion

Tell me if I have mistakes
參考: me

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