Symmetric Group <20分>

2010-11-12 11:59 am
1. Write a description in your own words of the symmetric group Sn of permutations on (1,2,.......,n) and Cayley's Theorem (don't need to prove).

2. Let G be a group and H be a subgroup of G. For any element g1 , g2 in set G prove that
g2 € g1H => g1H = g2H
Use this to prove that any two left cosets of H are equal or disjoint.

In question 1. can u give more words on this pls~


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回答 (1)

2010-11-12 10:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 Let X be a set. Let Sym(X) be the set of permutations of X (i.e. the set of bijective functions from X to itself). Then the act of taking the composition of two permutations induces a group structure on Sym(X) . We call this group the symmetric group. Cayley's Theorem means that if G be a group, then G is isomorphic to a subgroup of the permutation group S_G

2 g2∈g1H, then g2=g1h where h is an element of H
So for x ∈ g2H, its format should be g1hk where k is another element of H
Since H is a group, hk should become another element of H, called it t
Just x=g1t ∈g1H

Alternatively, assume that y ∈g1H, its format should be g1k where k is another element of H. Since g2=g1h and H is a group => g1=g2h^(-1). So y=g1k=g2h^(-1)k=g2t where t is another element of H. Just y ∈g2H

Combining the results, we have g1H = g2H

If there is an element z belongs to both g1H and g2H, then z=g1k=g2t where k and t are elements of H. From this we can deduce that g2=g1kt^(-1) and so g2 ∈g1H => g1H = g2H..This prove that any two left cosets of H are equal or disjoint.

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