
2010-11-12 9:30 am

事由係...我訂多了一批嘜頭令到公司有金錢上損失... 所以要寫一封E-MAIL比客人(BUYER)要求他們與供應商(SUPPLIER)代為爭取最低價錢找數.


十分抱歉因個人問題訂多了一大批嘜頭導致公司有嚴重損失, 現欲希望將損失減至最低, 故雖要你(BUYER) 的幫忙代向供應商 (SUPPLIER) 商討能否盡量減低此批嘜頭的費用,並誠諾日後不會再出現此情況,對此造成任何不便深感抱歉.

(或可代修改一下上文的次序/內容... 但修改後亦請告知... 中英翻譯...) thanks!!

回答 (3)

2010-11-13 1:18 am
Dear Mr.XXX,

Please kindly be informed that we have over order the "Lable Marker" by mistake.

We are now seeking your assistance. As you are the buyer will you please to deal with the supplier whether they could decrease "Lable Marker" charge as lower as they can then we may minimize our lose. We assure that it won't be happened again. Thank you for your help inadvance.

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.


參考: teacher
2010-11-12 11:59 pm


2010-11-12 6:57 pm
Dear Mr.XXX,

Please kindly be informed that we have over order the "Lable Marker" by mistake.

We are now seeking your assistance. As you are the buyer will you please to deal with the supplier whether they could decrease "Lable Marker" charge as lower as they can then we may minimize our lose. We assure that it won't be happened again. Thank you for your help inadvance.

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.



2010-11-12 16:47:16 補充:
.........As you are the buyer will you please to deal........ 應該是 ........ As you are the buyer would you please to deal .........

2010-11-12 16:48:52 補充:
sorry one more mistake ... "Lable Marker" 應該是 "Label Marker"

2010-11-13 09:52:01 補充:
點解這麼有趣, 會有人抄我的答案. 真好笑!

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