directional derivatives I

2010-11-12 4:26 am
wt do i need to do in order to get to the answer!?
plz show me the important steps~~*


i guess not...coz i actually worked out i and ii... direction of (1,1,0) means (1+1)i + (1+2)j + (0-1)k yeh!?

回答 (2)

2010-11-14 5:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Please check if your question or answer for (ii) has any mistake?

2010-11-13 21:38:01 補充:
I see, I wrongly interpret (1,1,0) as a vector!!!

2010-11-13 21:49:13 補充:


2010-11-13 21:49:25 補充:
2010-11-14 5:58 pm
yeh that's wt i thought in the beginning!! like 1i+1j+0k.. haha! xD

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