
2010-11-11 7:17 pm
本人現正做9成銀行按揭第2年,出租物業不足1年,通訊地址已更改,現銀行來信要求提供最近電話費/水費/電費單以作住址證明, 應如何處理?

回答 (4)

2010-11-15 6:53 pm
參考: Myself
2010-11-12 5:14 am
002 is really wrong! The falsified activities are CRIMINAL OFFENCE ! would have Criminal Record for life (many people do not understand the serious damaging of this Criminal Record!)

Your Tenant and You would both liable. And if someone hold this fact'' to blackmail in the future, what would you do ?

Only way is --discuss with your bank,

No way you could hide, bcs they have been asked for the proof, that mean they should have some concreted information at hand.

You are not the real Landlord! The Bank is ! Why? You did not pay all the $$, they paid for you and in equity sense, the Bank is the real Landlord. You leased out their property without their consent, you made the criminal offence, understand?
They have the legal right to sue you for the damage. So, negotiate with you bank, see what they want!
2010-11-11 8:05 pm
多謝意見 !!
我是做 7成+ 兩成是HKMC.
thx !!
2010-11-11 7:57 pm


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