
2010-11-11 3:03 am

回答 (5)

2010-11-11 6:43 am
one thousand one hundred and one
參考: girl
2010-11-11 4:47 am
1,101 = one thousand one hundred and one
11,011 = eleven thousand and eleven
10,001 = ten thousand and one
110,101 = one hundred ten thousand one hundred and one
110,111 = one hundred ten thousand one hundred and eleven
100, 001 = one hundred thousand and one
100, 011 = one hundred thousand and eleven

1,101,000 = one million one hundred and one thousand
11,010,000 = eleven million and ten thousand
110,100,000 = one hundred ten million and one hundred thousand
110,100,001 = one hundred ten million oe hundred and one

$1101 = one thousand one hundred and one dollars

I hope that you will understand the way of counting number in English. And is always at the last figure.

2010-11-11 3:52 am
如這是年份,你要說Eleven o one
如這純屬數字,可以說 one thousand one hundred and one / a thousand and a hundred and one / eleven hundred and one , etc.
2010-11-11 3:14 am
你可以話 one one o one /
one thousand one hundred and one
參考: me
2010-11-11 3:13 am
one thousand one hundred and one
參考: me

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