這英文句子內的 "narrowly" 點解?

2010-11-11 2:37 am
原文: BBC Learning English

...said a new page had to be turned in order to achieve the national entente needed for security and development. (But the man who came "narrowly" ahead of him in the elections, lyad Allawi, stressed the need for real power-sharing including in the decision making process.)

1)這英文句子內的 "narrowly " 點解? (是否 "勉強" 的意思嗎?)

2)可否解釋括號內的一句中文的意思, 謝謝。

回答 (2)

2010-11-11 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
But the man who came "narrowly" ahead of him in the elections, Lyad Allawi, stressed the need for real power-sharing including in the decision making process.)但在選舉中,領先一點的那個人---阿拉維,強調需要真正分享權力包括在決策過程。 "narrowly" 險些兒地; 差點兒地; 勉強地
e.g. The child narrowlyescaped drowning.小孩險些被溺死。
2010-11-11 5:03 am
the man who came "narrowly" ahead of him in the elections, = the man won the election slightly ahead of him = 在選舉中領先少少o
came narrowly ahead of = 領先少少

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