Step1: Calibrate the pH meter, using a buffer solution of accurately know pH
Step2: Pipette 20 cm^3 of 0.1M ethanoic acid into a conical flask
Step3: Titrate with 0.1M NaOH, using phenolphthalein as indicator until the solution is just pink
Step4: Add a further 20 cm^3 of the same ethanoic acid solution to the flask and mix thoroughtly
Step5: determine the pH of the resulting solution
pH = pKa + log[CH3COOH]/[CH3COO-]
[CH3COOH] = [CH3COO-] and thus pH = pKa
Q: in step 3, titrate 0.1M with NaOH, 個end-pt 轉左, 即係 NaOH in excess?
即係用黎 ensure all CH3COOH is convected to CH3COO-?
Q: in step 4, 點解要再加 20 cm^3 of ethanoic acid?
用黎整到 [CH3COOH] = [CH3COO-]? 加左ethanoic acid 唔係會再 attain eqm架咩? 咁度既pH 未唔準?
Q: 呢個expt 有error 既話 係唔係 excess左既NaOH?
可唔可以詳盡d 例如step 3 and step 4 既目的係咩? 其實個expt. 想點樣搵pKa? 001 個答案 完全唔收貨
己式庚辛 想請教多幾樣野 咁即係話, in step 4 , [CH3COOH] = [CH3COO-] 但係因為未有[H+], 度唔到 pH, 所以要等到 attain equilibrium? 所以有error 就好似你提及到 ethanoic acid molecule 會有少少ionizes 所以 pH 唔準? 但係大致上我地當apply 落呢條式, 而個情況就係[CH3COOH] = [CH3COO-] thus, pH ~ pKa , right? thanks for your answering !!!!
仲有另一個問題 咁如果我直接用 0.2 M 既ethanoic acid , 直接去度個pH, 咁有左個[H+], 我就大約估到 [CH3COO-] ~ [H+] = x, by calculation, [CH3COOH] = 0.2 - x Ka = [CH3COO-] [H+] / [CH3COOH] = (x)(x) / (0.2-x) 咁會唔會更加準?