AL Chem: Dissociation constant

2010-11-10 8:53 am
Determination for dissociation constant of weak acid
Step1: Calibrate the pH meter, using a buffer solution of accurately know pH
Step2: Pipette 20 cm^3 of 0.1M ethanoic acid into a conical flask
Step3: Titrate with 0.1M NaOH, using phenolphthalein as indicator until the solution is just pink
Step4: Add a further 20 cm^3 of the same ethanoic acid solution to the flask and mix thoroughtly
Step5: determine the pH of the resulting solution

pH = pKa + log[CH3COOH]/[CH3COO-]
[CH3COOH] = [CH3COO-] and thus pH = pKa

Q: in step 3, titrate 0.1M with NaOH, 個end-pt 轉左, 即係 NaOH in excess?
即係用黎 ensure all CH3COOH is convected to CH3COO-?

Q: in step 4, 點解要再加 20 cm^3 of ethanoic acid?
用黎整到 [CH3COOH] = [CH3COO-]? 加左ethanoic acid 唔係會再 attain eqm架咩? 咁度既pH 未唔準?

Q: 呢個expt 有error 既話 係唔係 excess左既NaOH?

可唔可以詳盡d 例如step 3 and step 4 既目的係咩? 其實個expt. 想點樣搵pKa? 001 個答案 完全唔收貨


己式庚辛 想請教多幾樣野 咁即係話, in step 4 , [CH3COOH] = [CH3COO-] 但係因為未有[H+], 度唔到 pH, 所以要等到 attain equilibrium? 所以有error 就好似你提及到 ethanoic acid molecule 會有少少ionizes 所以 pH 唔準? 但係大致上我地當apply 落呢條式, 而個情況就係[CH3COOH] = [CH3COO-] thus, pH ~ pKa , right? thanks for your answering !!!!


仲有另一個問題 咁如果我直接用 0.2 M 既ethanoic acid , 直接去度個pH, 咁有左個[H+], 我就大約估到 [CH3COO-] ~ [H+] = x, by calculation, [CH3COOH] = 0.2 - x Ka = [CH3COO-] [H+] / [CH3COOH] = (x)(x) / (0.2-x) 咁會唔會更加準?

回答 (2)

2010-11-11 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ryan, this is NOT an experiment about titration. it's about determination of pKa value of a weak acid.

no, NaOH is not in excess. when end-point is reached, indicator changes its color, like in normal titrations. phenolphthalein, the indicator, is used to ensure all acid present reacts with NaOH.

amount of NaOH is added just enough to react with ALL ethanoic acid to give ethanoate, i.e. complete neutralization.

the aim of reaction is NOT to determine the pH of titration between NaOH and ethanoic acid.
as you've mentioned, [CH3COOH] = [CH3COO(-)] after extra portion of acid is added.

yes, pH may change a little bit as new equilibrium is attained, but this is SMALL. the concentration of ethanoate is already high while ethanoic acid is a weak acid. thus not much acid will ionize ------ of course, this would be one of your possible errors in Q.3.

NaOH is NOT in excess throughout whole reaction.
in step 3, NaOH is titrated against acid, so equal no. of mole of both are present and react.
in step 4, excess acid is added.

another error is that, quite a long period of time is required to attain the equilibrium. remember to stir and wait for longer time.

as you've mentioned, Ka = [H+][CH3COO-] / [CH3COOH]
log(Ka) = log[H+] + log( [CH3COO-] / [CH3COOH] )
pKa = pH - log( [CH3COO-] / [CH3COOH] )

in step 3, y mole of acid is turned to the salt, CH3COOH;
in step 4, same no. of mole of acid is added.
therefore, the final concentration of both acid and anion is the same.
[CH3COO-] / [CH3COOH] = 1
log( [CH3COO-] / [CH3COOH] ) = 0

then, the calculation becomes pKa = pH
by measuring the resultant pH of mixture in step 4 with pH meter, pH is found ---- which is as same as the pKa value.
2010-11-10 7:11 pm
A: 冇錯, NaOH in excess

A: 加 acid 因為想減低pH值, 唔會, 準架!

A: 冇錯!

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