what are the problems with free education?

2010-11-10 4:57 am

回答 (5)

2010-11-10 4:58 am
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Free education? I am sure someone is paying for it. Did you mean "public" education?
2010-11-10 5:11 am
In this world nothing comes free... Education is a right.. but quality is a privilege. We have to pay the government to give us better education. so it's not really free.
2010-11-10 5:01 am
Have to pay higher taxes. Also if better facilities are wanted than taxes would have to go even higher.

Would be nice to have, but the problem comes down to how much tax are you willing to give for this?
2010-11-10 7:04 am
Somebody is paying for so called " Free education ". We need to have competition, we can't have free education. Thats not how the word works.

Check out book called " Naked Economy " Its a pretty easy book to read. And it explains about economics.
參考: Naked Economy, book.
2010-11-10 5:08 am
Nothing is wrong with free education. Now, if you are talking about free government education then here is 1 answer you can think about. Free government education is not really free, the teachers that teach still need to get payed, the schools that buy the books and supplies still need to get payed, the people that run the schools still need to get payed. Nobody is actually doing it for free....so who pays? Well, we pay, as a country which usually means higher taxes for the masses which isn't entirely a bad thing if you say. Well if we are all paying through taxes and everyone goes to school doesn't that benefit everyone? Not entirely because with "free" government help comes string's. I mean look at our school system today, it is mostly all federally funded and now the government has a say in what curriculum can be taught and if you don't teach what they want you too teach they pull the funding and you are out on a limb which takes away our freedom because now we are not learning from every aspect but from just one aspect. The government aspect and what they teach is not always in line with what the mass american population believes or wants taught to there children. The point of America is to have your own freedom to work hard at something and achieve it on your own without getting a free hand out. And I truly believe that makes people better when they have to work for what they have instead of just getting a free ride.

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