MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell admitted that he's a Socialist...will all Liberals FINALLY come out of the "closet"?

2010-11-10 1:24 am
Liberals, finally, one of our own has come out of the closet and admitted to being a Socialist!

"MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell admits he's a Socialist"

Will this finally allow for other brave Liberals to do the same?

When will Socialism finally lose it's stigma and be embraced as the BEST political and financial system in the World!?

Say it with me, my Liberal brothers and sisters: "Spread The Wealth!!"

agree or agree?

回答 (14)

2010-11-10 1:28 am
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Some Democrats are moderates, some are liberals, and some call themselves socialists.

That's what having a big tent is all about, though I know you Republicans wouldn't know what that's like.
2010-11-10 1:31 am
There is nothing, not a single argument or fact I could present to you, that would change your incorrect point of view, so instead I shall counter your bigotry and propaganda induced babble, so the undecideds are not swayed by your lying tongue.

*clears throat* go watch fox news,...I mean really if you're not a liberal, what business have you to watch msnbc? If you want to be poisoned by assertions and false slanders of the president faux news is where you belong, NOT msnbc, and certainly NOT yahoo answers.
2010-11-12 7:57 pm
For what it's worth, he argued that virtually every U.S. citizen was a socialist due to the fact that we've functioned as a mixed economy for the last 70 some-odd years. He pointed to the fact that, most politicians and their constituents , support Medicare, public schools, Social Security, government grants and other programs, to a greater or lesser extent, while also embracing capitalism. Much of the New Deal legislation of the 1930's was influenced largely by European socialism. By protecting these programs he has admitted to being a Socialist.

I see others on this thread LISTENED to the interview also.

P.S. I respect Libertarians. I don't believe the Republican Pantry is as committed to a truly FREE market as they say they are.
2010-11-10 1:30 am
You realize that he has been saying this for YEARS right, and that there are a few details left out of Beck (yes, this is a Beck story...that he went on about on his November 8th show, implying it was new and a reaction to current events...which it isn't).

"In an interview published five years ago,O'Donnell described himself as "a kind of practical socialist. I know we failed. A lot of our ideas have failed, so I'm not with them anymore. I'm willing to take from a grab-bag of stuff that works."

Moreover, O'Donnell has explained that he is a "socialist" in the way that "we all are" because Social Security and Medicare are "socialist program[s]," not as an admission of being a "radical revolutionary," as Beck suggests. In a September 17, 2010, interview with The Hollywood Reporter, O'Donnell described himself as "A practical European socialist which, as it turns out, we all are, if you know that Social Security ... is a socialist program, and that Medicare is a socialist program and that all economies of the world are mixed with some capitalism and some socialism and they just vary in their degrees."{3C798B88-CC34-4D12-865C-B7E91A29F0CE

OOOH scary....
2010-11-10 1:30 am
I lean a bit towards Democratic Socialism and am not ashamed at all to say it....
2010-11-10 1:32 am
"Say it with me, my Liberal brothers and sisters: "Spread The Wealth!!"

Thats not socialism. That is called spreading the wealth. You are such a far right wing dweeb.

Socialism is the road towards Communism. Funding more welfare programs with rich people's money is not the road to communism you far right wing dweeb. It's more of a "mixed" economy.

Only the brave liberals will call out right wing dweebs like you. So yeah have fun teabagging yourself while complaining about taxes, while having sour grapes, while having greedyness, and spreading myths.
2016-10-03 1:11 pm
How can one business enterprise that has such loving help of all important information media retailers be apprehensive approximately remark from FOX information? ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, the manhattan cases, Washington placed up, Boston Globe, etc would desire to be no journey for one community. How can there be a topic from FOX?
2010-11-10 1:35 am
Me and my friend admitted were socialists but I believe socialists are not attractive politically in this climate. Socialists should be very attractive to the country, it would lower healthcare costs, and and though some republicans called the healthcare bill a Government takeover it wasn't. The healthcare bill was a mess that only addressed a few issues. I wish it were a government takeover of healthcare. This nation will stay a corrupt corporate republic until someone decides they had enough and reforms business and changes the government for the better.

To summarize yes there may be a few people like Lawrence will admit they are socialists.
Everyone else who may be socialist may find it to be political suicide, and keep quiet.
2010-11-10 1:27 am
Lawrence O' Donnell is the annoying, capitalist type of socialist...more like sweden socialist, less like Democratic Republic of Laos Socialist.
參考: I'm a Marxist Socialist.
2010-11-10 1:27 am
Lawrence O'Donnell is one diabolical Liberal.

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