難題 grammar and Auxiliary verb

2010-11-09 10:19 am
"Present Tense"

positive form: He/ She/ it + verb + s or es

e.g She goes to school on foot.

====> 我想問上面句子之中,goes to係唔係Auxiliary verb ?而 on foot 係唔係Main verb ? 而school係唔係Subject?公式可以改成He/She/it + Auxiliary verb + s or es +Subjec t + Main verb 嗎, 另外想問這些形式的位置會改變的嗎,例如助動詞去左最後,個主動詞去左she之後

I / We/ You/ They + verb

e.g We go to school on foot.
上面果句公式可以改成 I / We / You / They + Auxiliary verb +Subject+Main verb 嗎

negative form: He/she/it + does not + verb

上面果句公式除左 does not 有冇其他Auxiliary verb 會代替?最後想請回答者把所有 Auxiliary verb 列出黎

我係英文初哥,有心想學好英文,我覺得Grammar and tense好重要,但原本人地寫果d公式唔夠全面,令我好難學,如果我咁改我自己會清楚d,但唔知d公式咁改有冇問題,請各位幫忙解答,感謝

回答 (2)

2010-11-09 9:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. go(es)是main verb

She (subject) goes (main verb) to school (adverbial) on foot (adverbial/prepositional phrase)

2. He/She/It本身就是subject
所以你說的He/She/it + Auxiliary verb + s or es +Subjec t + Main verb是不成立的.

同樣I / We / You / They 只能是subject
所以I / We / You / They + Auxiliary verb +Subject+Main verb同樣不成立.

3. auxiliary verb除了do/does/did之外, 還有be (is/am/are) 和 have/has/had
以上這三組又稱為primary verb
其他主要的auxiliary verb還有can/could, will/would, shall/should, may/might, must.....
至於能否代替, 要看原文意思, 因為每個auxiliary verb都有不同含意, 不能隨便使用.

另外建議你看一些英文文法書, 不用挑太深奧的, 由淺入深慢慢學.
參考: 自己 (語言學學生)
2010-11-10 9:16 pm



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