
2010-11-08 10:22 pm
我部mp4既usb remove唔到,


回答 (2)

2010-11-09 4:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Although not often, there is always the fear that if you unplug it without intructing Windows to safely remove the device, the contents can become courrupted and unreadable. Windows stops the removal for 2 reasons.

1. A program might be still reading your device so Windows refuses the removal until it's finished. The program can be running in background so you are not aware of it.

2. Windows is still flushing the buffer for the device so removal is not ready.

Solutions (in order of preference):

1. Bring up the Windows Task manager by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del keys. Go to the Applications tab. Click to highlight any program shown running in tab then click End Task at bottom to stop it. When all stopped and cleared, try to safely remove the device again.

2. Click My Computer then C: drive then open any documents file and close it again. This might alter Windows' focus in the device to allow its removal.

3. If all of the above fails, shut down PC in normal way then unplug the device. Windows will finish flushing and reading before shutting down so harm can be reduced to a minimum this way. Sometimes Windows can be naughty and funny. Advice is to run regular housekeeping on your PC for top condition. This prevents a lot of unnecessary faults and errors.

Good luck.
參考: My PC know how
2010-11-09 2:07 am



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