英文文法 more和another

2010-11-08 6:26 pm
1. If you want to change to another car, you will have to pay ______ NT$100,000.
答案是: another.
但選項也有more 我很好奇 為什麼another我們習慣這樣說法,那more是什麼關係讓他在這不可以呢?
2. The price of living in Taipei _______ since 1996. That's why some people are trying to move back to their hometown.
答案是: has risen.
我們都知道since可用在現在完成式,我的問題是物價是被人改變,怎不是has been risen呢? 又這邊用過去完成式可以嗎?

回答 (6)

2010-11-09 6:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. if you put 'more' in this sentence, more becomes an adjective. Then the word 'more' is describing the price so it doesn't make sense. The sentence means that you have to pay another $100,000 for an additional cost.

2. Yes, when you see the word 'since' in a sentence, you can use present perfect tense. However, you deadly remember those rules. Sometimes, your sentence can be passive voiced.

You said the truth, the price won't change itself. (passive voice) However, the price of living is automatically adjusted by its own economy.

For example: The Price has been raisen by the manufactures. (passive voiced)

For example: The standard of living in Taipei has risen vigorously, since 1980. (active voiced)

See the difference?
2010-11-24 12:30 am
He's probably eating RAISIN at the time of answering this question.
2010-11-13 4:33 am
英文文法 more和another
1. If you want to change to another car, you will have to pay ______ NT$100,000.
答案是: another. correct

1. If you want to change to another car, you will have to pay NT$100,000 ______.
答案是: more.
more and another means very similar.
2. The price of living in Taipei _______ since 1996. That's why some people are trying to move back to their hometown.
答案是: has risen. - correct

Has risen mean has gone up

It will be wrong to say- price of living standard has been risen in this sentence.

We can say-
Price of the vegetables has been increased/pushed up due to the inflation.

2010-11-13 12:19 am
IeRo quoted an example as follows:
'The Price has been raisen by the manufactures.'
I am sorry to point out that there is no such word 'raisen'. The past participle of raise is 'raised'.
2010-11-08 10:11 pm
您這麼解釋 我懂囉^^好感激您喔
! 只是我的單字對及物 不及物 完全 不完全的概念很弱,單字背時也會不刻意去看它是不是及物動詞,那您的意思,要是動詞本身特性是會影響被動的語態囉~是這樣嗎?
2010-11-08 7:40 pm
1. 這是因為當more解做"另外"的時候,它是副詞,這時我們會將more置於句後,如:

They stayed there two days more.
Play that last section more.

2. 為甚麼答案不是has been risen,這是因為rise解作上升時,是不及物動詞(不及物動詞,即沒有受詞)

 如:The population of the city has risen to five million. 該市人口已增加到五百萬。


XX has risen the price of living ....



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