
2010-11-07 6:40 pm
If a female friend of yours sent you a sms in front of you (other friends are around too) telling you "I love you - shh don't tell anyone" What's your reaction after you read this sms? What will you do afterwards? If you also like the girl,what will you do or what will you say to her? If you think her as only your friend,what will you do or will you just ignore the text?

Thank you very much!

Ho tak kenny:咁如果你對個女仔friend係無意思的,你會點做?還是ignore個sms?


man hon:如果你對佢都有意思,你會點做?如果對佢無興趣,你又會點做?會唔會ignore佢個sms?



回答 (4)

2010-11-14 3:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
人說一樣米養百樣人 ~ 如果收到這樣的又能怎樣

僅能感怒不敢言以笑為之 ~ 這是最好的說法

每個人的觀點不同 ~ 所以想法就不同

況且他有自由權才這麼做 ~ 計較那麼沒有用
2010-11-10 9:44 am
I don't think she's serious. If you think about it, she's too casual.

But, if you are looking for a casual relationship, I guess it's fine.

For me, I might play along but I wouldn't spend too much time on this relationship, it's just puppy love afterall.

2010-11-11 04:12:59 補充:
It really depends, I have no idea what she's like.

Just imagine how will she respond if you are the one sending the sms.

If you are after a serious relationship, you should just act as if nothing happened.

You could ask her jokingly to prove what she said, and see how it goes.
2010-11-09 1:46 am
2010-11-07 7:32 pm

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