事假信~ help~~ ( 20 點 ) QUICK~

2010-11-07 2:53 am
i will have a piano exam in the morning 9:00 a.m., so i want to write a letter to
my school for a leave in the morning, thank you for helping me~

P.S. Please use English and tell me that i should use my father's name to write
the letter or use my name?? ( i am in Seconary School )


i will have a Cross country compitition on that day, so i need to go to school in the afternoon.


p.s. i am a girl~

回答 (2)

2010-11-10 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Principal,
XXXXX Seconary School
1, Nation Road,
9th November, 2010.

Dear Sir \ Madam,

Re: Application For School Leave

My daughter, Chan Sui-ping is going to have her piano examination at 9:00 in 10th November morning, so she would not go to school on time that day. However, I am sure she will go back to school in the afternoon for taking part in the Cross country competition.

Finally, I should be grateful, if you would kindly let my daughter leave on that day morning.

With best reguards,

Yours faithfully,

Chan Tai-man
( the father of Chan Sui-Ping)

2010-11-09 18:02:32 補充:
錯 字 更 正 :

Seconary School -------不正確

Secondary School -------100% 正確
2010-11-07 3:12 am
First, if your piano exam is in9:00a.m., you should not go to school that day.

You have to use both of you and your father names.

I suggest that you write like this: (to first use your father name.)

My son is going to have his piano exam at XXXXXXXXXX, in 9:00 in the morning
and he would not goes to school that day.
Please help him with her homework.
Student XXXX( Your name )
XXXXXX(your father's name)

P.S. I have my piano exam,too. My father write like this.

Hope can help you !!!

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