The article I read was called the gap between rich and poor is wide.
As you know a widening gap between rich and poor is a big problem in hong kong. How did this issue be serious? In the following, I will tell you the causes, effects and solution of this social issue.
In governmental aspect, hong kong government did not adopt a long-term policy to help the poor people so the gap between the rich and the poor is widened.
Also hong kong government allow foreign labor work in hong kong, it results in increasing the competitiveness and lower the job opportunities of low-skilled labor in hong kong. This widens the gap between the rich and the poor.
In economic aspect, due to economic globalization in1970s, hundreds of industries relocated to China and therefore hong kong government changed from secondary industry to tertiary industry. It led to unemployment of low-educated levels labor. Also they are difficult to find job because of their low-educated levels. It will be the vicious cycle and the gap between the rich and the poor will be widened and widened.
The widening gap between the rich and the poor may be created social instability.
As the poor is difficult to find job, they will have ill-feeling. Their anomic emotion will cause the domestic violence or child abuse. Also they may hate the richer. As this situation, hong kong will be a tuneless city.
It is undoubtedly that a widening gap between the rich and the poor cannot ease easily. However, hong kong government should enhance the living standard of poor people in order to shorten the gap between the rich and the poor.
The social issue is told us that we should work hand in this moment and keep learning so as to adjust the complicated society.