1) 所以想搵d有用既課程黎學: 睇你對乜subject/ course 有興趣, 將來想去乜industry/ area 發展. Courses: English language? Business? Accounting? 專業/職業課程? other 証書課程? lee樣你要自己consider. 不過, 如果唔想再浪費時間讀中學, try foundation course or short course lai, 至於subject, 都係要自己consider.
2) 能與外國人溝通得到: 咁你去到留學時ng好成日同HK or 中國人玩, even u do, try to speak English to eachother. 我見過D留學生因為成日同HK or 中國人玩, 英文冇進步過, 但識咗普通話 haha.
有個site 都ok, 有留學info 同student part-time info, look for urself--
Australia 課程類形簡介-
http://www.hotcourses.hk/6/ca/australia/%E7%95%99%E5%AD%B8%E6%BE%B3%E6%B4%B2/9/%E7%95%99%E5%AD%B8%E6%BE%B3%E6%B4%B2%E7%9A%84%E5%90%84%E9%A1%9E%E8%AA%B2%E7%A8%8B.html 內有分undergraduate- 學士, postgraduate- 碩士 or博士 and others. 仲有apply 條件同方法 Tim. @o@
只要記住自己為乜去留學, 向你目標出發, 有心,努力就ok ka la support u ^_^