✔ 最佳答案
1.The member of team's encourages each other.
2.Listen talking of the other party.
3.If the member of team need because of getting hurt to withdraw a game, the neighboring member of team want to immediately fill up to get empty to lack of position.
4.The member of team's gets along with under the harmonious atmosphere.
5.Use each each exhibition of technique bureau chief that the member of team excel.
6.The technique for exceling each member of team allotment's different position in stadium, can have the performance that help the team.
7.The coach will give the opinion the member of team and hint member of team behind how should do.
8.Frequently add training, make good preparation for the game in future.
9.There is the person(captain) of great match experience, be the game falls behind of time, pacify the member of team's emotion.
10.Can lead a team, under some urgent conditions, can be not in hour of danger disorderly.