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ARPA network that develop the world's largest global Internet network is the meaning of Internet.
During 1950s, the researchers of communication have a concept that there is a need to give allowance to different computer users and the routline between communication networks. This can promote the distribution of networks, queing theory(唔識-.-) and the research on packet exchange. U.S. Department of Defense 1960 Department of Defense advanced research projects (ARPA) to consider for the Cold War led to the establishment of the ARPA network and technological advances make it a center of Internet development. (<-- 唔識解e句-.-) ARPA network extendsion become the Internet during 1973, British's and Norway's computer were the first to access.
Bob Kane and Stanford's Wen Dengze made up the TCP/IP protocol, define the messages snet between computer network method in 1974.
In 1986, the U.S. National Science Foundation(NSF) build the interconnection between the university's main network NSFnet, this is a very important step of the internet history. In 1995, with the network is opened in buisness, the access of internet is more important of the sucess of other networks including Usenet, Bitnet and a variety of commercial X.25 network.
In 1990s, the network is opened to public. In the August of 1991, Tim Berners-Lee create HTML, HTTP and European Institute for Particle Physics(唔識) in Switzerland, in two years after a few network was made, he started to promote its World Wide Web project. In 1993, web browser version 1.0 of Mosaic was released, in 1996, "Internet" is widely spread around world, but it means almost the whole global information web.
唔好意思...有d唔識...所以抄左佢地小小...不過佢地果d全部都係喺google translate到抄...= ="