why Obama Christ fail in mid term election?

2010-11-04 7:05 pm
i am not living in US
but i dont understand why wont move America forward??
why american prefer republic to President Obama??

回答 (2)

2010-11-04 7:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Generally during this time republicans get in. Its not anything unusual.

Edit: What's up with adding the word christ after his name? That makes no sense....that's not his name.
2010-11-05 2:12 am
Not Obama but Pelosi america is not liberal or conservative but Independent and Moderate and Libertarian the thing is Conservatives are White Collar Con Artists and Liberal are Blue Collar Thugs neither can be trusted and don't choose between them two again and If someone ask I'm choosing Thugs or Frauds that's who they are You don't see it like me.

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