
2010-11-05 12:59 am
因為之前作文老師月 8左個字係eeirely,,

回答 (6)

2010-11-05 1:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
eerily 怪異地; 恐怖地
1. to fear; to dread; to be scared; to be afraid; to be alarmed; to be frightened; to be in dread (or fear) of; to lose courage
2010-11-05 10:31 am
ok....I highly recommend you to try to write hauted,terrified,spinechilling or shocked to paraphase the feeling of the people when they feel too scary.One more thing i want to remind you is that you can write terrifying to describe for how much you are getting frighted in something else and that's it!

**I hope you have got my explanation and refresh your mind anyway.Good luck~!^^
參考: My personal reference.^^
2010-11-05 4:29 am
驚既英文係Shock only
2010-11-05 3:28 am
1. to startle or be startled
2. to frighten or be frightened
參考: me
2010-11-05 2:36 am
I deeply agreed with you, Ahliu.
If the description for you are scare by or afraid of something, eerie is not the right word to use.
2010-11-05 1:23 am
We use "eerily" to describe how frightening the ENVIRONMENT is, NOT how YOU are scared or what YOU are afraid of.

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