工程Refuge floor, firemen's lift

2010-11-04 7:38 am
1) Refuge floor可唔可以有plant room?eg. Transformer room?
2)如Transformer room係upper floor, transformer點樣運上去?
3) Firemen's lift 係咪唔需要每層都停? 可以只停odd floors?
4) 如super high rise building firemen's lift 60秒內上唔到top floor, 應該點design? IFC同ICC d firemen's lift會係點?


回答 (2)

2010-11-04 11:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
我唔係呢方面專家, 不過可以比少少意見你.
1. Refuge floor, 根據香港消防條例係唔可以 有 plant room, 特別情況例外.
"There is no occupied accommodation or accessible mechanical plant room, except fire service water tanks and associated fire service installation plant room, at the same level as the refuge floor"

2. 運送大型 transform 只有重型吊機, 甚至用直升機, 唔係乜嘢大問題.

3. 照計冇理由只有單數或雙數先停.

4. 如果 60秒都唔去到頂層, 咁即是話有高速電梯或者每 60秒就要有 refuge floor.

sorry, 唔知乜嘢係 ICC.

· Break-glass key switch (at G/F to control the lift)· Min. duty load, say 630 kg (for firefighting equipment)· Min. internal dimensions (m), 1.1(W) x 1.4(D) x 2.0(H)· An emergency hatch in the car roof· Manufactured from non-combustible material· A two-way intercom· 1 hour fire-resisting doors of 0.8 m (W) x 2 m (H)· A max. of 60 sec to run full building height· Dual power supplies (normal + emergency)希望幫到你多少.

2010-11-04 11:04 pm
1) Refuge floor可唔可以有plant room?eg. Transformer room? No. There is no occupied accommodation or accessible mechanical plant room, except fire services water tanks and associated fire service installation plant room, at the same level as the refuge floor. See section 21 of THE PROVISION OF MEANS OF ESCAPE IN CASE OF FIRE 1996. A refuge is an essential part of the exit routes in tall buildings. It acts as a safe place for a short rest before people continue to escape downwards because it is difficult for most people to walk down a tall building in one go. It acts as a safe passage for people using one staircase, when encountering smoke, fire or obstruction in that staircase, to go to another staircase. It also acts as a place of assembly for people to wait for rescue in case all the staircases cannot be used due to smoke, fire or obstruction. 2)如Transformer room係upper floor, transformer點樣運上去? It could be lifted by mobile crane and with opening on external wall etc. Some may even install permanent hoist on the wall. 3) Firemen's lift 係咪唔需要每層都停? 可以只停odd floors? Yes. Fireman’s lifts should be provided to enable firemen to reach any floor that may be on fire in the building without having to traverse more than two floors. See section 10 of CODE OF PRACTICE FOR THE PROVISION OF MEANS OF ACCESS FOR FIREFIGHTING AND RESCUE PURPOSES 2004. 4) 如super high rise building firemen's lift 60秒內上唔到top floor, 應該點design? IFC同ICC d firemen's lift會係點? See Part IV of CODE OF PRACTICE FOR THE PROVISION OF MEANS OF ACCESS FOR FIREFIGHTING AND RESCUE PURPOSES 2004.

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