leak or leakage

2010-11-04 3:38 am
What's the difference between leak and leakage?
Show me some examples please.
It's preferable to explain how to use both of them.

Thank you.

回答 (2)

2010-11-12 5:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
leak or leakage - difference and examples

For your reference, below are answers to your question:

Well! Leakage comes from the root word “Leak” , means nearly the same thing. Guess it should be a noun of Leak. Leakage is the act of leaking.
Leak itself can be used as a noun and verb.
Example to use both of them:
There is a leak (noun) in the roof. And during rainy season, the water starts to leak (verb) through it. Something should be definitely done to fix this water leakage (noun).

The act or an instance of leaking.Something that escapes by leaking.An amount lost as the result of leaking.Leak:
To permit the escape, entry, or passage of something through a breach or flaw: rusted pipes that were beginning to leak; a boat leaking at the seams.To escape or pass through a breach or flaw: helium leaking slowly from the balloon.Informal. To become publicly known through a breach of secrecy: The news has leaked.v.tr.
To permit (a substance) to escape or pass through a breach or flaw: a damaged reactor leaking radioactivity into the atmosphere.Informal. To disclose without authorization or official sanction: leaked classified information to a reporter.n.
A crack or flaw that permits something to escape from or enter a container or conduit: fixed the leak in the roof.The act or instance of leaking.An amount leaked: equipment used in cleaning up oil leaks.Informal. An unauthorized or a deliberate disclosure of confidential information: "Sometimes we can't respond to stories based on leaks" (Ronald Reagan).Loss of electric current as a result of faulty insulation.The path or place at which this loss takes place.So there is quite a bit of overlap between the two, but they're not completely synonymous.
2010-11-12 7:21 pm
Answer with good reference!

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