
2010-11-03 10:40 pm
"HKD500 had been paid by cheque by XX(公司名)"



唔該哂你地呀~ ^^

句野係要寫比A/C的,因為有張HKD1500既收據,我要係上面寫返當中有500蚊已經係之前由我地其中一間子公司,以支票形式比左。 咁就咁睇呢句野其實有無錯呢? Thx

回答 (4)

2010-11-05 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
If so, you have to make a remark along with the receipt:

Please note that HK$500.00 were paid earlier by cheque by Abc Co.

I assume this would be clearer to your A/c dept.
參考: Self
2010-11-07 6:07 am
hi, ur sentence is right, nothing wrong. u are using the passive voice.
if u want more clearly, you can say ...

XX company sent a HK$500 cheque to us.

or ....

XX company settled their payment with HK$500 cheque.

(if u can mention the date, it would be more better)
參考: living in USA
2010-11-04 7:28 pm
One of our subsidiaries settled an amount of $500 by cheque.
2010-11-04 12:51 am
HKD500 had been paid by cheque by XX(公司名)"


we have paid HK$500 by our company cheque (公司名)"

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