
2010-11-03 2:59 am
在一本練習中看到: Some friends of yours are having a party next week.

為什麼未發生的事(NEXT WEEK)會用present continuous tense?

請大家解答一下, THANK YOU!

回答 (3)

2010-11-03 3:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
未發生的事 use present continuous tense = 100% sure will happen in the future.

For example, tomorrow is 2 jan, so "I am going to school tomorrow"

However, if u use future tense, that thing will happen in the future but it is not certain.

2010-11-02 19:22:00 補充:
未發生既事係唔會用現在進行式" answer person no2:

This is wrong. If the thing in the future is certain, then, we can use present continuous tense instead of future tense ga.

**** I can assume that no2person is very basic at eng grammar, right??
參考: me
2010-11-03 4:01 am

你叫邊個上堂聽多d書? 本野係我自己買返屋企做, 叫GRAMMAR IN USE.我睇到入面有唔明既句字, 才上黎請教大家.
同埋你答人野既態度好有問題, 又唔清楚, 重要錯... 唉!
2010-11-03 3:17 am
002...... 本書冇出錯..... 喺外國大把人係咁講。

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