
2010-11-02 2:37 am


回答 (3)

2010-11-02 11:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
After finishing this project I realize the meaning of team spirit, and also acquired the skills for dressmaking. Despite the difficulties during the process, we have solved all the problems through cooperative discussions between team members. We finished the project efficiently with excellent cooperation, and established companionship and trust between each other, too. I am looking forward to teaming up with them again!

2010-11-02 15:06:01 補充:
correction: After finishing this project I realized......
參考: hkslot
2010-11-02 8:19 am
I have realized what the teamwork spirit is and learnt more about making skirt's technics after finishing this project. We have overcome a lot of difficulties arising from the project through repeated discussions. Under division of labour, at last we have completed the project at the soonest. What's more, the team work has enhanced our friendship. I hope in future to have got a chance of teaming up with them.
2010-11-02 3:04 am
Finished in a project, I understand that BAA Department team spirit-also more whole dress both skills. Although there are considerable difficulties in the process, but we all through discussions between the team members are a a smooth solution because we all work together, so better hurry to complete the project according to the report and our friendship-also added a lot. I hope I have the opportunity to cooperate with them!

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:36:34
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