修改personal statement

2010-10-31 6:41 pm
Grammer, concept, coherence如何?

Having inspired by a successful figure, I set marketing manager as my goal. Marketing is the best platform to let out my innovative ideas and to learn about materializing them through interaction with people.

I am innovative but impractical. As the editor-in-chief of the school magazine and the script-writer of the movie for graduation dinner, I have bold but impractical ideas which were banned by authorities. At the time, I figure out my weakness. I lived in an ivory tower, and I am too self-centered which cause mutual misunderstanding in team-working.

My self-esteem is low at that time, but Eric Wong ,the CEO of Richburg Corporation Ltd, inspired me. He confronted and improve his shortcomings by diligence and courage. To solve my problem of being too impractical and self-centered, I reckon that creative problem solving tool and plentiful opportunities of group-working in marketing can shape me into a person with high-order interpersonal skill and the ability to add value and implement innovative ideas . Besides, Marketing integrates knowledge from different fields, which can broaden my eyesight.

I have been working hard toward my goal.In the works of the school magazine, I coordinate parties of different level, including teachers, editors and publisher, and had organized functions such as school open day. To come into contact with different kinds of people, I had learnt to interact and communicate my ideas efficiently and to work as a team when I work with editors. Also, I was the helper of exbi, my problem solving skill improved a lot through confrontation of difficulties. We solve problems systematically and was able to ship the art pieces before deadline.

回答 (1)

2010-11-02 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Having Being inspired by a successful figure, my goal is to become a marketing manager as my goal. Marketing is the best serves as a platform to let out implement my innovative ideas and to learn about materializing them through interaction with people the team.

I am innovative but yet sometimes a bit too impractical. As the editor-in-chief of the school magazine and the scriptwriter of the movie for graduation dinner, I figured out my weakness when that my ideas were being too daring and impractical unrealistic which had been I have bold but impractical ideas which were banned by authorities. I lived I felt like living in an ivory tower, and I am was too self-centered which caused mutual misunderstanding in team-working within the working team.

My confidence was diminishing My self-esteem is low at that time but and it was Eric Wong, the CEO of Richburg Corporation Ltd, inspired and cheered me up. He finally confronted and improve his shortcomings and strive to improve by with diligence and courage. To solve my own problems, of being too impractical and self-centered, I reckon that the creative problem-solving tool and plentiful opportunities of group-working in marketing executions can help shape me into a person with high-order interpersonal skills and the abilities to add value and implement execute innovative ideas in a better way. Besides, Marketing integrates knowledge from different fields, which helps broaden my eyesight vision.

I have been working hard toward to achieve my goal. In the works of the Being the editor-in-chief of the school magazine, I am responsible for the coordination of parties of from different levels including teachers, editors and publishers. I am also responsible for had organizing functions such as school open day. To come into contact with Through communicating with different kinds of people I learnt how to interact and communicate convey my ideas efficiently and to work smoothly as a team when I work with editors member.

2010-11-01 16:57:36 補充:
Also, being the helper of exbi, my problem solving skill has been greatly improved. I have learnt to solve problems systematically.
I had been working in a restaurant from which I learnt how to take care of the customers – even they didn't say anything.

2010-11-01 16:58:24 補充:
For example, some office clerks complained that they had been waiting for too long for their meal. Therefore, I asked whether they want to take away instead of dining in.

2010-11-01 16:58:51 補充:
The marketing program will be a crucial element in my life-changing process and serves as an important path to my goal. If I am enrolled, I will spend all my efforts to acquire the knowledge I need which helps equip for of my career life.

2010-11-01 16:59:08 補充:
in long-term, I hope to be a paradigm for my successor, and inspire and help them through internship and conference. <---- talking too much

2010-11-01 16:59:23 補充:
ChuChik kau,怒我直言,如你真是某校某雜誌的editor in chief,那無論從英文造句本身、或句子/語言邏輯方面,都仲要再多多下苦功呀…

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