
2010-10-31 2:45 am
但hk買好貴,可否於uk 公司的web 到買
or 搵uk fds幫手買?

回答 (2)

2010-11-05 11:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
最好就買咗先出發啦。覺得貴的話睇吓其他公司。如果你買嘅機票有leg嘅就多數平D (即係要connection) . Emirates or Qantas usually have pretty good offers.

Also, let me remind you that it's usually more expensive for one way ticket than return. Although, there's a policy in most airlines that you need to use the tickets sequentially, for example: you have a return ticket of 1.LON-HKG 2.HKG-LON, the sequence of the tickets need to be used as 1, then 2. If you use 2. before 1. you may pay a penalty or even lose both of your tickets. If that company has that policy, consequence is the same whether you buy it on the web or find a friend in UK to get a ticket for you. Safe bet would be a one way ticket, perhaps with a connection.
2010-10-31 3:28 am
2.但hk買好貴,可否於uk 公司的web 到買
or 搵uk fds幫手買?
參考: 係英國讀緊書,自己都試過。

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