I was thinking of breeding my chi with a jack russle I've never bred dogs before should I do...?

2010-10-29 11:35 am
I love animals and I know I that the two of them would make beautiful pups and my neighbor the jacks owner wants too also but I'm not sure if I should or not. she's about 6 years old never had any pups before what should I do?

回答 (21)

2010-10-30 6:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Jack Chi is not a purebred dog. It is a cross between the Chihuahua and the Jack Russell Terrier. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed. Not all of these designer hybrid dogs being bred are 50% purebred to 50% purebred. It is very common for breeders to breed multi-generation crosses.

Recognized Names:
American Canine Hybrid Club = Jack Chi
Designer Dogs Kennel Club = Jack Chi
2010-10-29 11:42 am

1. She is smaller than a jack russel and therefore likely to either die giving birth or needing a c-section.

2. She is too old to have a first litter and this also could kill her.

3. There are far too many dogs put to sleep in shelters. We just do not need any more badly bred mutts.

4. Are you prepared to take on the responsibility of bringing lives into the world that may be unhealthy because of your lack of knowledge, and are you then prepared to be responsible for them for the rest of their lives. Your responsibility does not end the minute they are taken to their new homes.
2010-10-29 11:40 am
Yeah, why not bring more mutts into the world which won't find decent homes? They'll go to the loving shelter were thousands of dogs are put to sleep every year. Wonderful idea.

Just wondering if sarcasm works well online.

No. Do NOT breed your dog. Beside the fact that you'd be breeding ill bred mutts with birthing problems due to the size difference and head shape of the puppies, 7 is the maximum age ANY b*tch should have a litter. Most reputable breeders start at 2 years, and end at 5, with no more than 6 litters - usually more around the 3-4 mark.

You're putting your dog and those pups at risk by breeding. And I know ful well that you're going to laugh and ignore the "don't breed" replies.
2010-10-29 11:47 am
Don't...........breeding mongrels with a larger male to a female who is too old you are asking for problems...you love animals?...so don't breed dogs who are not up to standard for breeding and don't breed when you have no idea about breeding, delivery, weaning etc...breeding is not a game it should be taken very seriously and only done by knowledgable professionals, under the correct conditions with champion standard dogs, who have all the health tests and certification in place...not playing at back yard breeding, then coming back on here asking about delivery or complaining your dog has had to have a c-section and the cost of it or up all night 2 hourly feeding pups who the female has rejected or worse still the female died and you are having to care 24/7 for the remaining pups..think on!
2010-10-29 11:47 am
Why, would you do that? 350 million mixed breed dogs sitting in shelters, rescues and pounds around the world waiting for new homes or to be put sleep and you want to breed more of them.
Reason number, this female dog is to old for a toy dog to be having pups. Reason three breeding a female chi with a male jrt is asking for trouble fm the sa. he is much bigger then her and if she carries the pups to term it will kill her to have such large pups. And a c-section on a small dog will run about 3 thousand dollars plus.

What should you do have her spayed and forget breeding.
2010-10-29 2:10 pm
Breeding is not as easy as some people think and the only reason to breed is to better a breed.

Your Chi is too old to have her first litter and I am sure you do not want to jeopardize her health.

Chi's are known for needing c-sections which costs upwards of $2500 (which doesn't include vet visits, ultrasounds, x-rays, whelping and rearing supplies) and of course there is always the chance of her dying during the pregnancy or during whelping.

Personally I don't see a reason for taking a chance on her dying to have pups, let alone mixed breed pups. Breeding her with a Jack Russell terrier would be dangerous as they are to big and she certainly would have difficulties with carrying the pups and delivering them, both of which could cost her life.

She is too old for a first litter and as stated above I am sure you do not want to take a chance on losing her just to get a litter of mixed pups.
2010-10-29 1:34 pm
I think every body has said this, but do you REALLY want to contribute to a dog over population and high kill rates in shelter? It may seem to you that there is no connection, but let me assure you there is very much one. Just read this:
If you truly love animals, you'll look out for their welfare than you desire/quest of satisfaction of birthing puppies.
Also, do you know if these puppies will have a permanent home where the owners won't want to get rid of them if they move, get divorced, have kids, etc over the 10-15 years of the dog's life time?
Do you know if your dog and your neighbour's dog are free of any genetic faults? Because many genetic faults never show up in the dog but are passed on (arthritis, poor vision, bad hips, etc).

Besides, a 6 year old female is at the end of her fertility--which means there is a very, very high risk of her having major pregnancy complications which could result in defective puppies, miscarriage or even death of both mother and/or babies.

Add to this a Jack Russell is significantly larger than a Chi, a breed that already is small framed and that has a difficult time staying pregnant and birthing.

Please do yourself, your dog and everyone a favour. Don't breed your dog that you love so much!
參考: Owner of 6 dogs, actively do dog rescue of abandoned dogs in pounds and streets.
2010-10-29 11:53 am
You really should not breed a dog a six years old unless she has been bred before and has had no complications. You should research the common health problems for both dogs. When they breed it would be combining them and passing them on to the pups. You need to have health screenings done to confirm that she is not passing on these health or genetic problems. The owner of the stud should do the same thing. Make sure you have about $2000 on hand if there are any complications and a c-section is necessary.
2010-10-29 11:41 am
6 is really too old for a first litter. However if you do plan to go ahead that make sure you can home all the pups or keep them until they are homes (maybe 6 months), you can take them back at any time if the new owner cannot keep them.
You will also spend a lot in food and possinily vets bills for them.
I would advise you not to mate her for the first time at her age.
2010-10-29 12:26 pm
I wont give you the lecture on breeding mutts, that has been done already. I will give you a bit of experience, from a breeder. I agree 6 is to old. I breed minpins, and have a friend that has bred chi's for 30 yrs. Chi's are not an easy dog to breed. They usually have c-sections. Depending on the vet and where you live, that could cost thousands. If you are not prepared to pay for a c-section, then you better be prepared for your girl to die. Every time you breed a dog, you risk that dogs life. So if you are willing to lose your girl, and put her life at risk, then go for it. But if you love your dog, and don't want to lose her, you need to have her spayed. Her risk would be far greater for c-section or death because of the size difference of the dogs. Chi's are high risk bred to other chi's already. Yes, many people breed chi's successfully, but the reality is, all dogs are at risk when bred. If you are willing to gamble with your dogs life, then good luck.

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