英文文法一問 - 請問以下的文法正確嗎?

2010-10-29 7:28 am
1. coverage of transportation allowance will be extended to "Train and Private Car"

2. order from any restaurants

3. order from the area outside Mongkok

我想知, 如果我想講, "交通津貼涵蓋的範圍將會伸展至火車及私家車的費用", 應該點寫呢?

回答 (2)

2010-10-29 8:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. The transportation allowance coverage will be extended to taking trains and using private cars. 2 & 3 – please provide complete sentences for accuracy of correction
參考: hkslot
2010-11-02 10:47 pm
1. coverage of transportation allowance will be extended to "Train and Private Car"


The transporation allownace will be extended to cover "trains and Private Cars)

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