Is it strange to be more attracted toward older men than younger ones?

2010-10-27 10:04 pm
For example, I have an obsession with Liam Neeson. He's a God.

回答 (6)

2010-10-27 10:14 pm
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I once saw an episode of Home Improvement where Wilson tells how women are naturally attracted to older men because they're usually more experienced and wise.

An old Tv show probably isn't too accurate but it makes sense to me.
2010-10-28 5:07 am
No its not strange.
2010-10-28 5:06 am
Nope. Some women like the father-figure thing. How old are you?
2010-10-28 5:05 am
Not at all, younger men don't do anything for me and I'm 26. I love older guys!
2010-10-28 5:55 am
Basically, no. I would ask what your definition of "older men" is though. I think that it matters more what each persons interests are. How they enjoy spending their time.
A large age difference usually runs into problems because of different priorities that each have as much as any other reason.
2010-10-28 5:07 am
no i love robert de niro

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