ipod touch 5一問,20點

2010-10-28 4:31 am
請問有冇人知ipod touch 5When出,同大約價格,多謝

i touch30 is what


i touch 4 which shop can help me jb plese use chinese

回答 (3)

2010-10-28 11:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
ipod touch 5 wont come out so fast because ipod touch 4 has just arrived, it maybe coming out within the next two years....i think in 2012.

the new ipad would come out in december or early 2011, with facetime and 7" screen version(rumor) so stay tuned for that
2010-10-28 5:00 am
知ipod touch 5When出,$10009635
2010-10-28 4:36 am
你等i touch5 不如等i touch30啦 邊有咁快出丫

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