S.2 History Question(Quick!!!)

2010-10-28 3:42 am
1. What are primary and secondary sources?

2. What were the advantages and disadvantages of these two types of sources?

3. What were the four major groups in Hong Kong?

4. How did they make the living in the past?

5. Is there any change nowadays? Explain for the reason behind.

6. Who were the five great clans in the New Territories?

7. Why did they settle in the New Territories?

8. What were the early industries in rural Hong Kong? Give THREE examples.

9. Why did the local Chinese in Hong Kong worship their ancestors?

10. Do you think ancestral worship was important in rural Hong Kong village?

11. Which traditional festivals did the rural communities in Hong Kong celebrate?

12. Why did the people celebrate the Dajiao festival?

13. Who was the highest government official in Hong Kong during the colonial period?

14. Was the social status of the Chinese population in HK high in late 19th century? Give evidence to support your answer.

15. What was the change later? Give TWO reasons for the change.

16. What were the problems faced by the Hong Kong government in 19th century? Give any ONE of them and tell how did the government solve it.

17. What kind of trading port did Hong Kong develop since late 19th century?

18. Why did Hong Kong develop into an entrepot in the late 19th century?

19. What is a free port?

20. What is a walled village? Why did people build it?

Use english !!!

but why is IoChi Yuen~


how about question#10,14,15

回答 (2)

2010-10-29 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. What are primary and secondary sources?

Primary source: Thnigs that came from the time of historians study.
Secondary source: Things came after the time of historians study.

3. What were the four major groups in Hong Kong?

1)Punti(s) 2)Hakka 3)Fuklos/Hoklos 4)The Tankas

4. How did they make the living in the past?

1)Punti&Hakka:farming 2)Fuklos&Tanka:fishing

6. Who were the five great clans in the New Territories?

1)Tang(s) 2)Hau(s) 3)Pang(s) 4)Liu(s) 5)Man(s)

7. Why did they settle in the New Territories?

Because New Territories has lots of lands for farming.

8. What were the early industries in rural Hong Kong? Give THREE examples.


9. Why did the local Chinese in Hong Kong worship their ancestors?

-to show filial pity to the ancestors

11. Which traditional festivals did the rural communities in Hong Kong celebrate?
QingMing Festival,Chung Yeung Festival...etc

12. Why did the people celebrate the Dajiao festival?

1)honour the god 2)pray for peace and prosperity

13. Who was the highest government official in Hong Kong during the colonial period?

Birtish government

16. What were the problems faced by the Hong Kong government in 19th century? Give any ONE of them and tell how did the government solve it.

17. What kind of trading port did Hong Kong develop since late 19th century?


18. Why did Hong Kong develop into an entrepot in the late 19th century?

1)There is a good location. 2)has a good harbour 3)good port facilities 4)good air transport with good logistic services 5)hong kong is a free port

19. What is a free port?

no tax was charged on most imported goods

20. What is a walled village? Why did people build it?

the village has wall surrounding it.The people wanted to guard against bandit and pirates attack.

2010-10-28 17:53:48 補充:

2010-10-28 22:09:49 補充:
10) yes,because the village people built a ancestral hall to worship ancester.


參考: 我f.1 既 notes
2010-10-29 12:26 am
1.in work sheet P.7
2.in work sheet P.7
3.you know
4.you know
5.you know
6.you know
8.you know
9.you know
11.you know
12-20.you know
參考: lam wing hin

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