
2010-10-27 11:34 pm
25歲捨棄做了三年asst. merchadiser (toy), 寧重新做會計師行的office assistant.人工低了, 起步是否遲了?

回答 (3)

2010-10-28 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
25 歲重好年青呀,但要早d定明方向,再專注發展。

其實有d公司既office assistant 都比較似打雜,即負責幫手處理公司既鎖碎事。

取得基本資格後,睇下有無機會轉做Account Clerk or J. Auditor 等等。

我以前係做會計架,如果你有咩想問,都可以email 比我。^^

good luck =)
2010-10-28 4:53 am
If your ambition is making yourself a Certified Public Accountant, it would be a good idea to take up that would be very very low pay job--Office assistant (probably multi works !). But before you go for it, check it up with your academic qualification, need old system 2A3O or above include English (syl B) definitely not syllabus A !), if yeah, ok, go for it, if none, wasting your youthhood for that shit la....
2010-10-28 12:02 am
It is not later as you are only 25 but ensure that this is what you like. Please be remindeded to study course relevant to the accounting field - a qualified book-keeping or accountant in the future.

Salary is not that importtant if you need not reduce your parents' financial burden.

Assistant merchandiser also has good prospect but if you prefer the accounting field. Anyway, wish you work hard and happily in the new field and achieve your goal before long.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 16:21:01
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