
2010-10-27 7:04 pm

回答 (6)

2010-10-27 11:24 pm
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In theory, instant.

Your immigrant visa will become your temporary permanent resident card for up to 1 year with the stamp validated, when you first enter the U.S. with the visa.

The actual card can take up to 3-6 months to issue.

2010-10-28 01:23:43 補充:
1. Yes.

2. Of course U.S.
2010-11-02 7:48 pm
Depend on which state are you reside some state are favorite for new comers likes New York City the waiting time may little bit longer than the other area. normally you will get it within a month,

A set of numbers stamped on your passport by customs officer are the numbers wiil be appeared on the green card.

Alien resident card is never mail out to the foreign countries as well as re-entry permit. they mail the green card to your address in U.S.

2010-11-02 12:09:33 補充:
The period for your temporary residency is expire after one year. It doesn't means you have to wait a year long for your alien resident card. don't worry about that, United States is a freedom country there have no restrictions for the people leave from U.S. excepted the person wanted by the U.S.
2010-10-30 3:10 am
如果我無記錯,當年我係有綠結先至到美國(太多年前,十幾年前,當年重要好細個,更加唔知咁多年重有無變)。到當地之後,應該apply工咭 (Social Security Card) 及 ID。

2010-10-29 19:28:05 補充:
至於什麼三年唔出得境,呢d後話喇。總之我由入境第一日至到攞到US Passport,前後六年,當中返過香港兩次。



比方說,你到步後頭三年都響美國,唔代表打後兩年你可以走人,因為咁樣有違每次唔可以離境長過五個月既宗旨。當你離境長過五個月,返入美國境內時,海關"有權"沒收你既U.S ID,睇佢心情。
2010-10-29 8:49 am
hi, after u land USA, normally u will get ur US greencard within 1 yr.
it really depends on the states.

as u already landed USA, they will send ur US greencard to ur US address.

As they assume u won't leave USA during this time.
2010-10-29 5:12 am
agree with Gary.
as I got the stamp as I-551 on my BNO passport when I first arrived in US.
Then I received my green card within 3 months.. at 2003.. not so sure right now.

2010-10-28 21:12:31 補充:
Do not believe in the other person whom said "3 years".. that is not true!
you don't need to stay in US 3 years (not leaving even 1 days) to be a citizen.

2010-10-28 21:12:39 補充:
you just need to be in US for 2.5 years to become a citizen (if you got the green card from family re-union, you can submit it when you got your green card 5 years), (if you got your green card from marriage, you can submit your request after you get your green card 3 years).
2010-10-27 8:47 pm

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