A-Level Physics- Work

2010-10-27 4:14 am
A uniform rope has a length x and mass m. It is held stationary with 3/4 of the
length of the rope lying on a smooth horizontal table surface with the remaining 1/4 hanging freely over the edge. What is the minimum work required to pull the whole rope onto the table surface?

A mgx / 4
B mgx / 8
C mgx / 16
D mgx / 32

Can you work out the calculation steps please?

回答 (2)

2010-10-27 9:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let p be the density of the rope

Consider a small element, dm, on the rope hanging freely over the edge.

dm = pdy

Where dy is the length of the small element.

And now, define y be the vertical distance of the small element from the edge. 0<= y <= x/4

To raise the small element up on the edge, the work done = dm gy = pgydy

To find the work done to raise the remaining part of the rope, do an integration from y = 0 to y = x/4

int [0,x/4] pgydy

= pg(x^2/16)/2

= pgx^2 / 32

But px is the mass of the rope, m

So, the work done = mgx/32

The answer is D.
參考: Prof. Physics
2010-10-27 4:24 am
The naswer is option D.

Just calculate the increase in potential energy of the rope.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 23:27:57
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