
2010-10-27 1:00 am
今朝去搞簽證, 唔批, 好傷心, 冇諗住會唔得...
我嘅背景係有份長工做咗一年, 結咗婚有個仔, 有公司放假信...
係個年輕男人領事見我, 問我下面問題:
- 去做咩? (我答去觀光旅遊)
- 同邊個去? (我答自己), 佢好訝異, 問點解唔同老公同個仔去, 我話老公好忙冇假放, 個仔要返學。
- 有冇朋友同我去? (冇)<----係真, 邊有咁多朋友夾到時間一齊去。
- 有冇朋友係美國? (冇)
- 有冇朋友去過? (冇)<-----呢個係真架, 多數朋友係去東南亞或歐洲。
- 去美國邊度? (加洲)
- 去個度做咩? (周圍睇下, 可能會去埋disneyland), 佢反應又好質疑我, 話我冇plan冇book hotel, 我話因為仲check緊邊間價格好, 而且未肯定有visa, 唔敢book機票同酒店, 但我強調係有plan去邊同做咩, 只係未有visa, 所有嘢未敢落實(而事實我又真係未決定去LA定加洲, 填表時咁岩睇到介紹加洲個網頁, 幾好咪填個度, 只係想攞到visa先算)。
- 又不停睇我個passport (之前去過Japan), 問我去日本同邊個去? (同阿仔)
仲有D問題, 激到唔記得!!!
總之就冇D網友講咁易咩5分鐘, 足足見咗我成15分鐘, 一路見到佢個樣開始愈來愈疑惑, 心知不妙, 最後真係衰咗~~
因為英文唔好, 答時"疾下疾下", 又可能我比唔到個行程比佢, 唔知係咪咁衰咗; 已有齊信証明我會返嚟, 佢個反應令我覺得我係會去個邊做黑工...
唉...我都唔知, 有冇人話比我知??? 心情好down又唔忿氣, 假又請咗(12月頭), 想一個星期後再去搞多次, 機會大唔大? 仲有咩要注意?? 填表時要填酒店地址好D?

回答 (7)

2010-10-27 2:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
To be honest, if I were the consular officer, I would have not approve your application.

Here is why:

1. Married people rarely travel alone (except they are on business trips).

2. You can never make a trip to the U.S. with HKD$2x,xxx.

So in your case, the consular officer assessed you as a risk and deny visa.

You should not attempt to try again after 6 months as within this 6 months, your chance of approval is almost none.

2010-10-27 01:20:04 補充:
Well, unfortunately, not having enough money is a legitimate reason to deny visa (even you think it is discrimination).

2010-10-27 01:20:25 補充:
People who lack of financial resources tends to become the burden of another countries (it is also one of the reason why Mainland Chinese does not enjoy as much as visa-free travel compare to the rest of the world).

2010-10-27 01:21:12 補充:
There is no formal guideline on income and asset, but in my opinion, not less than USD$10,000 or HKD$78,000.
2010-11-02 8:47 am
去旅行, 有時無非想relax下, 做自己想做嘅嘢, 去自己鍾意嘅地方, 一家大細去, 左就右就咩mood都冇哂。
2010-11-02 8:35 am
主婦們每天照顧家人,同家人去渡假,除 o左唔使煮飯,沿途都要照顧家人,自己去玩,才是真正 relax。
2010-11-01 6:34 am
我绝不同意Brian之說法.自911事件之後.US入境要求係好嚴.這是homeland security的policy,正所謂家有家規,國有國法.這並不是歧視任何人,
2010-10-30 6:50 pm
I totally agree with what Gary said.

I have the following advice:

1) Before you apply next time, you should ask yourself. If you were the US consulate, will you approve the visa under this situation assumed that you should prevent illegal immigration.

2) You should really buy a travel guide book and well plan your trip before you go. Make sure the name you quoted is correct. "未決定去LA定加洲" (it is "加州" not "加洲") is the same as "未決定去廣州定廣東省". Do you understand what your problem is ? My opinion is that you are not suitable to travel on your own and your presentation to US consulate is totally incorrect and not worth to trust. After you plan everything, like flight, hotel, the way from one place to another, lunch and dinner spending, ticket cost etc., you should come up a budget. Then look up your bank balance to see wether you can afford this trip to US or not. If you can, apply again, else, give up to US. 人家不是歧視你住公屋無錢就拒絕批核,只是覺得你根本未有足夠能力去美國旅遊,他們認為你想去美國肯定有別的意圖。

3) You should save a lot money. Spending of HKD20,000+ per head for 5 days in US is mininal. In your case, you said that you had HKD2x,xxx cash in bank. In reality, ask yourself once again, will you use up all your saving to travel. This mindset is crazy and non-sense. If you travel with your whole family, how much of saving that you should have ? You can calculate yourself.

4) Can you drive ? In LA, from one place to another, you should drive. Otherwise, you should conside to join tour in HK to US. Forget any so-called "自由行"。 Once again, a married woman would never travel alone to any place unless she has special objective other than sight-seeing.

2010-11-03 13:53:08 補充:

- 單人易發生意外,香港家人怎麼辦
- 你會想你老公是否去"滾"
- 你會覺得自己被遺棄在香港嗎
2010-10-27 8:03 pm
美國有什麽好呢 ? 經濟又這樣差 , 通街失業 , 話比領事的人你在HK有工有family , 点會去做黑工呢 ? 最無理由applied要收錢 , turn down no refund . 去USA有宝!! 領事short左 , 旅遊幫经濟 , 所有黄皮膚入境 , 由頭check到落腳板 , 好似你是恐怖份子 , apply to other country , like Australia , you donot need a visa .
2010-10-27 10:01 am
haha..... Mrs. you no need to get upset, i agreed with Gray 100% , if i am that officer, i won't pass you too.

i will suggest you plan next time go with whole family, with detailed travel plan ......... and then you should tell the officer - - - - " this time i bring the family with me.. " ( they have your first time record and they will knew you had applied before plus the rejected reason. )

beside that, everything seem ok, but that just so rare that you will go vacation alone without family.

bank account need to prepared $20,000 + HKD pre person.

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