Basic English Problem

2010-10-25 7:55 pm
I am not sure which of the following is correct.

1. I forgot to ask you what is the size of the dress.
2. I forgot to ask you what the size of the dress is.

Also, any question mark after the sentence? Thanks a lot

回答 (5)

2010-10-26 2:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.I forgot to ask you what is the size of the dress.(Wrong!)
2.I forgot to ask you what the size of the dress is.(Correct!)

My English teacher said we can use "I forgot to ask you what the size of the dress is."and "I forgot to ask you what the size of the dress was." are both correct,Why?Because the size of the dress are not going to change.So,we can use "I forgot to ask you what the size of the dress was."and you are telling the things in the past.So,we can use "I forgot to ask you what the size of the dress is.",too!

No question mark after these sentence because you are not asking the other people quesion!

2010-10-25 18:32:54 補充:
It is "No question mark after these sentence because you are not asking the other people question! "
參考: Myself, Myself
2010-10-25 10:50 pm
. I forgot to ask you what the size of the dress is. - correct with full stop as this is a sentence not a question.

What size is the dress / your dress?

What size of dress do you wear?

What size of dress do you need?

2010-10-25 9:34 pm
Sentence 1 : Wrong

It should be : I forgot to ask you what the size of the dress is.

The reason why we need to write in this way:

When you make statements,you have to change the
question into a topic.

Make statements : no question mark
Question : question mark

2010-10-25 13:35:41 補充:
Sorry, it should be : I forgot to ask you what the size of the dress was.
2010-10-25 8:30 pm
Thank you Ben but why should it be used "was" instead of "is". Also is it correct if I say " I forgot to ask you about the size of the dress?" ?

2010-10-25 12:30:40 補充:
And what about if I change the word "dress" to something that happen regularily like "official hour"? Still use "was" instead of "is"? Thanks again
2010-10-25 7:58 pm
the sentence no.2 is correct.
The correct sentence should be "I forgot to ask what the size of the dress was."
No question mark after the sentence.

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