iPod Touch 4 既電量問題.. (( 20點

2010-10-25 2:24 am
我發覺iPod Touch 4既電量真係好少...




我關d應用程式or game係禁個home制既..

咁樣係咪可以完全關閉個應用程式or game??

禁home黎關閉應用程式or game佢仲會唔會起背後運作緊?

如果係起背後運作緊既話....咁要點樣完全關閉d應用程式or game ?


回答 (3)

2010-10-27 12:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
to save energy, you can turn your brightness lower, sound lower and charge for a full cycle( 0-100%) every month, the ipod shows full charge but it still has a lot of space, you should charge for 2-3 hour everytime.

With your games, ios4 has multitasking so it does run in the back, to shut it, you cant do it like how the first answer taught you, you can do it by pressing the homebutton twice(fast) so the multitasking bar comes out, hold one of the apps for a longer time( like how you do it when u rearrange ur apps in the front screen) and you will see the app icons shake, press the red button on the corner of the app and it will shut it down. this helps keeping battery life also becuase multitasking is not inuse.

hope you understand it!
2010-10-25 8:13 am
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2010-10-25 3:01 am

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