有關phrasal verb一問....

2010-10-24 7:04 pm
想問下phrasal verb入面, 有時會見到果個主語放係中間, 有時會放係後面, 究竟點樣去分辨應該放邊?

如You set me up --> me放係中間, 而唔係you set up me
Take away the food --> the food 放係後面, 而唔係take the food away

其實仲有好多examples都係有時擺中間, 有時擺最後, why??


re ed_young : 咁你所講果啲慣性形成既phrasal verb係咪要記?如look after呢類係不可以將pronoun放中間, 但set up就可以....咁咪實記死? 咁可以將pronoun放中間既係咪都可以放最尾?如You set up me, 但後者就唔可以因為無 She takes her after???

回答 (2)

2010-10-24 10:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案

phrasal verb 通常都係 verb + particle (preposition or adverb) + object。 例如: take away the food; take over the project; take on the challenge; take after your father。

有時亦可以係 verb + object + particle ,例如: take the food away, take the project over, 但唔可以話 take your father after。

每一個 phrasal verb 都係慣性形成,所以擺放 particle 嘅位置並無一個定律。

唯一嘅定律係如果 object 係 pronoun,particle 一定要擺 object 之後, 例如: take him away (唔係 take away him); take it over (唔係 take over it)。

2010-10-24 23:37:38 補充:
以上講得唔清楚。關於Pronoun嘅定律。只係適用於可以將 particle 擺在 object 後面嘅 phrasal verb。例如: Mary is just as pretty as her mother: She takes after her. 雖然 object 係 pronoun,亦唔可以話: She takes her after。

2010-10-27 13:56:07 補充:
係,除咗個 pronoun rule 之外,其它都冇定律。
個 pronoun rule 最規律嘅地方就係如果個 object 可以擺中間或者擺尾,例如 The man picks up the book; the man picks the book up。咁將 "the book" 轉成 pronoun 時就一定唔可以擺尾。即係只可以話: the man picks it up,而唔可以話: the man picks up it。
參考: my past learning
2010-10-25 7:24 am



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